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1 Customer Details

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2 Payment

Order summary

Duration: 18 monthsSessions: 6

Secure Checkout



Program fees are non-refundable.


Please only commit to this project if you have the financial ability with ease & grace to honour your upfront or payment plan agreement.  


Payment plans are automated and will be automatically deducted from your nominated credit card each month. It is your responsibility to ensure your payment will be successfully processed.


Failure to complete your payment will result in a $25 administration fee automatically charged to your account to cover the administration of following-up payments. 


We respectfully ask that you honour your financial responsibilities without neglecting the details of your contractual agreement to meet your payment date.  


To support you we request that you diarise your payment dates and that you are active in ensuring the funds are available on the payment date.  





Terms & conditions apply - the upfront program payment or payment plan is non-refundable. Once payment is received this is acceptance of the terms & conditions.


Disclaimer – dates and times maybe subject to variation. If there are unavoidable circumstances that prevent the live group call from going ahead, a recording will be available within 24hrs.



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